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Will there be a version that supports apple?


Whenever I go to re-home a cat, it says that they are already home. Is this just a wholesome detail and you can't give them away, or is it that I'm just confused and don't know how to play? lol


i have sm rare fosters and i dont wanan give them awya.


OH MY VGOD I GET TOKEEP THEM 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭






hey! just wondering if there are any more special cats? so far, I've only been able to get 6 and I think more would help make the game more fun and exciting. once again, fantabulous game! thank you! :)


is there a way to save the game on a Chromebook :3

you could enable linux on the chromebook and use wine, not sure how great that would work tho. 


What do i press to play with the cats?


When you click on the cat you will see a panel open up with a food and cat face icon. You can click those to play with them. Hope this helps!

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oh my goodness gracious momo has my entire heart and soul (and frederick is so adorable as well!)




If you tap/click on the cat you will see a heart or food button pop up! You can click one of those buttons to feed or pet you cat. Hope this helps!

This game is so cute!! I love playing with all the cats 💜

Thank you!

how do i play with the cats


nvm i figured it out


When you click on the cat you will see a panel open up with a food and cat face icon. You can click those to play with them. Hope this helps!

I love it. 

Nice game!

I Would Like More Settings,Like Having No Loading Screen

So If You Want To Repeat Games With A Cat It's Easier

Thanks for the feedback! I'll consider this when working on bugs.

This game is very beautiful

Thank you!


This game is very cute and very addicting! Could play it for hours!

Thank you!


Lmao, bread.


This game is SOOOOO CUTEEEEEEEE I love all the cats

Thank you!


Thank you! :D

(1 edit) (+1)

Very aesthetic and relaxing game, just wish there were more mini-games or furniture to decorate the place.

The sound effects added in v1 are very satisfying as well, very retro.

Would be great as a mobile game, if it had a couple more minigame mechanics and the ability to save for the game

Hi! The game is available on android to play and the game auto-saves your progress! Thanks for the feedback.


IS THIS IS SOOO CUTE but I wish there is more game to play with your cat :< good game though

Thank you for the feedback!

Question: In the download version, when you're not in the menu screen- how do you exit out? I can't find an exit button anywhere, in settings, in the catalogue, or similar. Maybe I'm just blind and dumb, but can anyone tell me?


try pressing ESC button


I can make this more clear when working on bugs. Thanks for the feedback!

Soooo cute! I love cats^^

Thank you! :)

I can't take out loaf! he is in the box forever!


Do you have 3 cats out of storage already? There is a limit to how many cats you can have roaming at a given time.


i cant resist

this is too cute


i love this game so much so cute!!!^=owo=^

Thank you! :D

I tried to play the windows download, but I don’t think the play minigame worked (or maybe it did and it’s a random chance thing rather than skill). A hand with a decrementing circle inside it appeared somewhere in the vicinity of the cat. I couldn’t move it with the keyboard or mouse or interact with it in any way and clicking did nothing. Occasionally the cat would lift its tail, but more often it would crouch and after three hands, the cat was never happy. As far as I know, the rest of the game worked fine. After that, I gave up. Cute art, though.

Thanks for the feedback! You should be able to click the circles to pet the cat. I'll take a look if this is a possible bug though.


I never got rid of any cats ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ

(1 edit) (+1)

amazing and beautiful game ever!!

I got 6 rare cats in one day:D


best game ever.

(1 edit)

This is one of the best games i have ever played,even with its simplicity,every cat is so friggin cute,i love this game and the cool people who made it,but i have a sigle request/question,if you are planning to add new rare cats could you tell me just a like,general estimate,and if you weren't planning to do so,please do,this game is too good to go unupdated

have a good one,and thank you for making such a awesome game :D

Edit:you don't have to if you don't want to update

thank you for such a sweet review of our game!! 

we aren't sure if there are plans at the moment but it's something we may be able to do someday! thank you so much for enjoying cat cove inn :D


Hey,thanks for the reply,you guys are seriously awesome,but I think me and others would enjoy some new cats,but it is your choice,no pressure:D


how many special cats are there? if there are 6, i got them all :D

adorable game btw


Thanks so much for playing!! There are 6 total, so congratulations! :D 


so I can't rehome cats because the game tells me 'this cat is already home'. I was very sad to see Loaf go, but then I was happy because 'OH? I get a cat for my own? :D'' so I tried to rehome Frederick but it also won't let me rehome him... I originally thought that it was just with Loaf to symbolise that the player also has their own cat. So yeah I'm a little confused XD 


in cat cove inn, you can choose whether or not you want to keep or rehome the cats--but for the special cats with a star in their storage icons, they are there to stay with you!

thanks for checking out our game!!  


That is so cute I have MORE CATS for myself :D I shall indeed wear Frederick's frog suit FOREVER

(1 edit)

LITERALLY after writing this not even a minute later... For anyone wondering, you scroll on the screen. Not with the mouse. Not with the keyboard. No. On the screen. So I guess yes, with the mouse, but not the scroller thingy. You just go down with the cursor and up again :') 

Hi! I can't like, scroll through my cats. I don't know how to and I put Marley in storage and now I just... can't take him out anymore because I can't scroll to him. But I'd also like to see the flavour texts of the cats so I'd like to know how to scroll through them. Is there a special key? So far I only tried scrolling with the mouse and up and down arrow keys. Thanks in advance ^^ 

could loaf die ? Im scared he will so ive been playing for 10 hours making sure he dont.

no, your cats will be safe! empty bars just means a grumpy cat you have to rebuild trust with :) 


Loaf will never die,loaf is immortal,loaf cares not though,for he only wishes to bake biscuits for you,good loaf


How do you rehome cats?

get the heart to be full by playing with them and then click the heart


The cats. Amazing game by the way !!


lovely gameplay!! thank you for playing!!!

I'm playing on Windows and for some reason I can't get the paw menu at the right side to work. I've tried reinstalling the game, both from this site and through's client, but it doesn't work the way it did in the web browser version and I can't adopt new cats :(

Is anyone else having this problem, or do you know how to fix it? <3

Hi! Thank you for letting us know.
Could you describe if any other buttons worked when you clicked them?
Is it only the paw menu button that you are having an issue with?


Ah, thank you for replying! ^^ Sorry for the late reply, I wanted to reopen the game to double check everything else was working first.

I haven't had trouble with any other buttons, including the settings and credits from the beginning menu, and the ? icon with instructions in-game works as well. The minigames for feeding and playing work as well. It's only the paw menu button I've had issues with.

(Also, I don't think this is related, and it's not exactly an issue, but for windows there seem to be 2 .exe files that contain apparently identical versions of the game? They're the exact same file size (and gameplay is the same, including all buttons working except for the paw menu on the right side) but one has spaces between "Cat Cove Inn" and the other doesn't.)

<3 <3

Yeah haha that's my bad. I forgot to delete some older files in the build I made. Thanks for letting me know and I'll try to take a look at the issue you're having! Thanks for playing!


It's fixed!! I can play on Windows now without any problems <3 <3 Thanks for the update and for making this lovely game!

I'm glad that you're not having any issues anymore :)

Me: See's voice actors in credits

*They have button-like nameplates*

Also me: Tries pressing "buttons"

*They dont work (i was decieved)*

Missed opportunity lmao

On a more serious note: You've made a nice and cozy game (hygge-spil (I love Danish hygge)) which i will most likely play to completion :)

i love loafs- i love loafs- i lov-


hope you have fun completing the game! 

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